VOL. 2, Issue 4

Apr 2023

Scottish Rite

The Ashlar

Valley of Columbus, Orient of Georgia

Serving Scottish Rite Masons in the Chattahoochee Valley

Personal Representative's Message

Joseph F. Oelgoetz

32° KCCH


Personal Representative 

to the SGIG

Greetings Brethren,

We had an intimate but fun Lodge of Perfection March meeting.  Thanks go out to Illustrious Norm Blankenbeckler, 33° for his interesting and informative presentation on the breastplate of the High Priest of Ancient Israel.  I also want to thank my dear wife, Karen Oelgoetz, for pulling together a wonderful “Saint Patrick’s” basket for the raffle item for the evening.  We garnered over $150.00 for the operational fund of the Valley.  Dinner was festive with corn beef and cabbage (and wonderful biscuits).  Thank you, Brother John Adams, 32°, and his Kitchen Crew for all you do.  After the Lodge of Perfection closed, we all repaired to the dining room for desert and fellowship. 




I want to thank Brother Russell Ward 32° and Chuck Hall, Jr, 32° KCCH for their work in securing our Zoom capability for our Lodge of Perfection meetings.  We plan to offer this capability to our membership going forward.  We want to offer this to those of our brethren that may be homebound, unable to drive at night or any other member that would benefit “attending” our meetings virtually.  This capability is also great for our members and other Scottish Rite Brethren who are remote and live great distances from Columbus.  In fact, we were truly honored at our March Lodge of Perfection meeting by the Sovereign Grand Commander, Illustrious Brother James D. Cole, 33° who tuned into our meeting via Zoom.  He had very nice comments on our effort to be inclusive with all our membership via Zoom capability.  Again, a job well done by Brothers Ward and Hall.




Brethren, I want to institute a new program for the Valley of Columbus.  I am asking each of you to provide a digital Masonic Resume to our General Secretary, Honorable Brother Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH.  This can be sent to him via his Valley email: colsec@gascottishrite.org.  What is expected in this resume?  Masonic Organizations, when joined (for example when initiated, passed and raised a Master Mason); Officer Positions held, when and dates of service; community service (any community organizations that you belong to - dates joined and time served), examples may include Lions, Rotary, etc.; service to your faith and or church/temple (are you an usher, serve on committees, etc.); Government service such as county commissioner, city service, etc.  Any other important information such as employment, education or what you may want to include.  Any updates (elected to a new office, join another concordant body), please update with an updated date and forward to our General Secretary.


Why are we putting this in place?  This will help us in supporting brethren for honors, possible newsletter articles or any situation where “color commentary” may be useful to the brother.  Please note, information will only be used with the express approval of the brother whose information is to be used. 




Brethren, are there any Master Masons in your Lodge or who you may know that would make a great Scottish Rite Mason?  Or a brother who you think would benefit from membership in the Scottish Rite?  Consider introducing them to our Valley.  Invite them and their significant other to our monthly Lodge of Perfection meeting on the third Friday of each month.  Dinner is on us. 


Importantly, make them aware that the Orient of Georgia is having “The Grand Masters Class” to be held on Saturday, June 3, 2023 at the Atlanta Masonic Center.  They will participate in an epic Reunion.  They will observe some of the best ritual of some of our Scottish Rite Degrees, including our very own team that will be performing the 14th Degree, Perfect Elu.  Thank you to Illustrious Paul Wells, 33°, Degree Director Illustrious John Ohrt, 33° and the other members of our 14th Degree team for this outstanding effort.  Do not miss our team and others at this very special Reunion.  Even if you have been a Scottish Rite Mason for years, I guarantee you will find growth in observing the Degrees at this Reunion.




Brethren, in support of our efforts to provide scholarships to worthy students who attend a Georgia four-year University or College and funds for RiteCare in the Orient of Georgia an Orient wide raffle of a Masonic decorated Henry rifle is in effect.  This effort will run to early June.  Tickets can be purchased at all Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus events.  Cost: one (1) ticket for $10.00 or six (6) for $50.00.  We are in need of a “Captain” to manage this effort for us.  Job is to collect the funds, keep a record via excel spreadsheet of who purchases the tickets, submit the money to the General Secretary and at the end of the raffle, and submit the spreadsheet to the Orient of Georgia’s Raffle Chairman.  Let me or the General Secretary know if you want to support this effort by being our Raffle Captain.  100 Double Eagle Points will be given to the Brother who “Captains” this effort.




Brethren, to have some fun and fellowship, we are planning a Valley fishing trip to Panama City, Florida.  The plan is to leave around noon on Friday, May 26 and attend the Scottish Rite, Valley of Panama City that evening, stay in Panama City Friday night and board a fishing boat Saturday, May 27th.  Eight hours of fishing and fellowship.  Room enough for twelve (12) brethren.  Cost for fishing is $205.00/per person.  Once we have those who want to attend, then we can secure hotel reservations.  Members of the Valley of Panama City may join us for fishing.  Brother Scott Pless, 32° KCCH, a former member of the Valley of Columbus and now a member of the Valley of Panama City is pulling this event together for us.  Let myself or the General Secretary know if you can attend.




2023 marks the 100th Anniversary of the Valley of Columbus!  We have wonderful plans to celebrate this important milestone over the weekend of September 22 and 23, 2023.   Mark your calendar.  The plan for Saturday, September 23rd is to hold a rededication of the Temple at 10:00am, with lunch at the Valley Temple ($10.00).  After lunch we will host out of towners to visit either the National Civil War Navel Museum or the National Infantry Museum.  For those that want to visit either museum we will have Brethren to drive and host for both museums.  To cap the event off, we will host a Masquerade Ball at Bibb City Exposition Center from 6:00PM to 11:00PM.  Dinner, dancing, and fun.  Cost is $100 per person or $175 per couple.  We also will be coordinating with an event hotel.  More information to come.


Thank you all for all you do for the Rite!

Warmest Fraternal Regards,  Joe

Joseph F. Oelgoetz III, 32° KCCH

Personal Representative to the

Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the

Orient of Georgia

Key Notes from the Valley

Scottish Rite Valley of Columbus - 2023 Officers 

Lodge of Perfection

Chapter Knights Rose Croix

Council of Kadosh


Baron L. Conklin, 32° KCCH

Fraternally yours,

Baron L. Conklin, 32° KCCH

Venerable Master

Valley of Columbus

Venerable Master


Dear Brethren of the Valley of Columbus,

Last month we were treated to a presentation by Ill. Norm Blanklenbeckler on the breastplate of the High Priest. He actually had a model with him for all to see, plus a fine audio-visual lecture. We are all grateful to him for continuing to share his extensive knowledge of history.


June 3rd  will be here before we know it, and the Grandmaster’s statewide reunion will be taking place in the Atlanta Masonic Center. Our Valley will be dramatizing the Fourteenth Degree, and we need candidates. If you are first-line signer on two petitions, the Valley will credit you with 50% of your next year’s dues. Three petitions gets you 75% off, and with four your dues are covered.


This month is our Remembrance and Renewal. Take due notice that we will assemble first in the auditorium promptly at six o’clock for the first part, then move to the dining room for supper, followed by a return to the auditorium for the conclusion.


Plans continue to develop for our Centennial Celebration. The event promises to be a memorable one, so make plans to attend all that you can, including the gala masquerade ball. Get your RSVP in early.


If you are in contact with any of your Scottish Rite Brethren who have not attended the Lodge of Perfection in some time, give them a call or visit, and encourage them to be there on the 21st, as we honor those we have lost in the last twelve months. And, from all of us, may you and your family have a most blessed and joyous Easter celebration.

General Secretary



We had a very informative Lodge of Perfection meeting in March.  IB Norm Blankenbeckler gave a presentation on the High Priest's breastplate.  We Zoom'd the meeting, and unbeknownst to us the Sovereign Grand Commander, IB James Cole, logged in and watched the presentation.  Not only did we receive an email from him complimenting us on the presentation and use of Zoom, he also talked about it during the virtual Supreme Council Workshop the next day.  He said we are the model for Zooming our meetings and how much he enjoyed the presentation.  It is an honor to have him join us.

Our next Lodge of Perfection meeting will be on Friday, April 21.  We will be conducting our annual Remembrance and Renewal Service.  Dinner will be at 6:00 p.m. (sirloin tips, mashed potatoes, and corn), followed by the Lodge of Perfection meeting at 7:00 p.m.  Come join us as we remember those Brethren who laid down their Working Tools since our 2022 service.

The Scottish Rite Foundation of Georgia is conducting a raffle to support scholarships for deserving students and Rite Care partners.  Grand prize is a Masonic Henry Rifle.  See the brochures in this issue of the Ashlar for information about the raffle.  Our Raffle Captain is Brother Bayardo Reyes.  He will soon have the tickets ready to sell.  We hope that you will support this worthy cause by selling the tickets (and perhaps buying a few for yourself).

By now you have heard about the Orient Wide Grand Masters' Reunion scheduled for June 3 at the Atlanta Masonic Center.  A reminder about the Valley of Columbus incentives.  Any Scottish Rite Brother who is a first line signer on two petitions will have 50% of their 2024 dues remitted, first line signer on three petitions 75% of their 2024 dues remitted, and first line signer on four petitions 100% of their 2024 dues remitted (remitted to the Brother, the Valley of Columbus will cover those dues).  Get those petitions submitted and you may not have to pay part or all of your 2024 dues!

Looking forward to seeing you at our next Lodge of Perfection meeting.

Fraternally yours,

Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH

General Secretary

Valley of Columbus

Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH

Scan here for our online petition

Sir Knight 

Bayardo Reyes, 32°

Upcoming KSA Meetings, Events, & Important Dates


Sir Bayardo “Rey” Reyes

Knight Commander

Knights of St Andrew 

100th Anniversary Celebration 

Mark your calendars for the Centennial Celebration of the founding of the Valley of Columbus, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry – Saturday, September 23, 2023.  We have gained acceptance of our invitation to Sovereign Grand Commander, Illustrious James D. Cole, 33°, Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction, who will be in attendance for this event.  Additionally, we have gained acceptance to attend by Most Worshipful & Illustrious Michael A. Kessler, 33°, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Georgia.  The Grand line will also be in attendance.

The current overall elements of the celebration event would be the following:

We are being led in our planning of this very special event by Brother Bayardo Reyes, 32°.  He is looking for others to join the planning committee.  Brethren and Ladies are welcome to be a part of the planning of this once in one-hundred years event.  If interested, please do not hesitate to contact either our General Secretary: Honorable Brother Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH at colsec@gascottishrite.org, or Brother Bayardo Reyes, 32° at bayardo.reyes.32@gmail.com.

College of Freemasonry

Short Talks   by Joseph Fort Newton

Between the years 1923 and 1927, Brother Joseph Fort Newton, at the request of the Masonic Service Association, wrote a series of talks designed to be read at Lodge meetings. They proved to be so popular that they were collected and published in book form in 1928 as Short Talks on Masonry. Throughout the coming year, the College of Freemasonry will re-publish many of these talks in email format because, while the material in the book was written many years ago, we find that it has enormous relevance in the world today. 

Current Blog Post

"More Light"

Short Talks - - "More Light" 

by Joseph Fort Newton 

[Johann Wolfgang von] Goethe (1) was one of the myriad-minded men of our race, and a devout member of our gentle Craft. When he lay dying, as the soft shadow began to fall over his mind, he said to a friend watching by his bed: "Open the window and let in more light!" The last request of a great poet-Mason is the first quest of every Mason.


If one were asked to sum up the meaning of Masonry in one word, the only word equal to the task is-Light! From its first lesson to its last lecture, in every degree and every symbol, the mission of Masonry is to bring the light of God into the life of man. It has no other aim, knowing that when the light shines the truth will be revealed.


A Lodge of Masons is a House of Light. Symbolically it has no roof but the sky, open to all the light of nature and of grace. As the sun rises in the East to open and rule the day, so the Master rises in the East to open and guide the Lodge in its labor. All the work of the Lodge is done under the eye and in the name of God, obeying Him who made great lights, whose mercy endureth forever.


At the center of the Lodge, upon the Altar of Obligation, the Great Lights shine upon us, uniting the light of nature and the whiter light of revelation. Without them no Lodge is open in due form, and no business is valid. As the moon reflects the light of the sun, as the stars are seen only when the sun is hidden, so the Lesser Lights follow dimly where the Greater Lights lead.


To the door of the Lodge comes the seeker after light, hoodwinked and groping his way-asking to be led out of shadows into realities; out of darkness into light. All initiation is "bringing men to light," teaching them to see the moral order of the world in which they must learn their duty and find their true destiny. It is the most impressive drama on earth, a symbol of the divine education of man.


So through all its degrees, its slowly unfolding symbols, the ministry of Masonry is to make men "sons of light"-men of insight and understanding who know their way and can be of help to others who stumble in the dark. [John] Ruskin (2) was right: to see clearly is life, art, philosophy, and religion-all in one. When the light shines the way is plain, and the highest service to humanity is to lead men out of the confused life of the senses into the light of moral law and spiritual faith.


To that end Masonry opens upon its Altar the one great Book of Light, its pages aglow with "a light that never was on sea or land," shining through the tragedies of man and the tumults of time, showing us a path that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. From its first page to the last the keyword of the Bible is light, until, at the end, when the City of God is built, it has no need of the sun or the moon or the stars, for God is the light of it. Turning its pages we read:


And God said, Let there be Light; and there was light. [Genesis 1:3] God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all. [1 John 1:5] Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. [Psalm 119:105] The entrance of Thy word giveth light. [Psalm 119:130] The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear. [Psalm 27:1] There is light for the righteous, gladness for the true. [Psalm 97:11]


The Lord shall be to thee an everlasting light. [Isaiah 60:19] To them that sat in darkness, light is sprung up. [Matthew 4:16] He stumbleth not, because he seeth the light. [John 11:9] I am come a light into the world. [John 12:46] While ye have the light believe in the light. [John 12:36] Let your light so shine before men. [Matthew 5:16]

To find the real origin of Masonry we must go far back into the past, back behind history. All the world over, at a certain stage of culture, men bowed down in worship of the sun, the moon, and the stars. In prehistoric graves the body was buried in a sitting posture, and always with the face toward the East, that the sleeper might be ready to spring up early to face the new and brighter day.


Such was the wonder of light and its power over man, and it is not strange that he rejoiced in its beauty, lifting up hands of praise. The Dawn was the first Altar in the old Light Religion of the [human] race. Sunrise was an hour of prayer, and sunset, with its soft farewell fires, was the hour of sacrifice. After all, religion is a Divine Poetry, of which creeds are prose versions. Gleams of this old Light Religion shine all through Masonry, in its faith, in its symbols, in the order and arrangement of a Lodge and still more in its effort to organize the light of God in the soul of man.

Such a faith is in accord with all the poetries and pieties of the [human] race. Light is the loveliest gift of God to man; it is the mother of beauty and the joy of the world. It tells man all that he knows, and it is no wonder that his speech about it is gladsome and grateful. Light is to mind what food is to the body; it brings the morning, when the shadows flee away, and the loveliness of the world is unveiled.  


Also, there is a mystery in light. It is not matter, but a form of motion; it is not spirit, though it seems closely akin to it. Midway between the material and the spiritual, it is the gateway where matter and spirit pass and repass. Of all the glories of nature it, the most, resembles God in its gentleness, its benignity, its pity, falling with impartial benediction alike upon the just and the unjust, upon the splendor of wealth and the squalor of poverty.


Yes, God is light, and the mission of Masonry is to open the windows of the mind of man, letting the dim spark within us meet and blend with the light of God, in whom there is no darkness. There is "a light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world," as we learn in the Book of Holy Law; but too often it is made dim by evil, error, and ignorance, until it seems well nigh to have gone out.

Hear now one of the most terrible words in the Bible: "Eyes they have, but they do not see." How many tragedies it explains, how many sorrows it accounts for. Most of our bigotries and brutalities are due to blindness. Most of the cruel wrongs we inflict upon each other are the blows and blunders of the sightless. Othello (3) was blinded by jealousy, Macbeth (3) by ambition, as we are apt to be blinded by passion, prejudice, or greed.


With merciful clarity Jesus saw that men do awful things without seeing what they do. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." The pages of history are blacker than the hearts of the men that made history. Man is not as wicked as the wrongs he has done. Unless we see this fact, much of the history of man will read like the records of hell-remembering the atrocities of the Inquisition, the terrors of the French Revolution, and the red horror of Russia. It is all a hideous nightmare -man stumbling and striking in the dark.


No, humanity is more blind than bad. In his play, St. Joan, [George Bernard] Shaw (4) makes one of his characters say: "If you only saw what you think about, you would think quite differently about it. It would give you a great shock. I am not cruel by nature, but I did a very cruel thing once because I did not know what cruelty was like. I have been a different man ever since." Alas, he did not see what he had done until the hoodwink had been taken off.


More and more some of us divide men into two classes--those who see and those who do not see. The whole quality and meaning of life lies in what men see or fail to see. And what we see depends on what we are. In the Book of Holy Law the verb "to see" is close akin to the verb "to be," which is to teach us that character is the secret and source of insight. Virtue is vision; vice is blindness. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."


Thus our gentle Masonry, by seeking to "bring men to light," not simply symbolically but morally and spiritually, is trying to lift the shadow of evil, ignorance and injustice off the life of man. It is a benign labor, to which we may well give the best that we are or hope to be, toiling to spread the skirts of light that we and all men may see what is true and do what is right.


What the sad world needs-what each of us needs -is more light, more love, more clarity of mind and more charity of heart; and this is what Masonry is trying to give us. Once we take it to heart, it will help us to see God in the face of our fellows, to see the power of a lie and its inherent weakness because it is false, to see the glory of truth and its final victory: to see these things is to be a Mason, to see these things is to be saved.

O Light that followeth all my way,

I yield my flickering torch to Thee;

My heart restores its borrowed ray,

That in Thy sunshine's blaze its day

May brighter, fairer be.


Committee Reports


As we closed out 2022, our busiest year to date, with many of our fundraisers completed, VMAP will give us the ability to do a comparison with the previous year. This will help us determine where we started, what we started with and where Columbus Scottish Rite will flourish in the future. February 2023 the VMAP report will be complied, reviewed and submitted. This will continue to give us a full understanding of all of our hard work. 

Onward to 2023, VMAP program has been updated with much needed update. This update will be available 1 March 2023. So stay tuned to the next Ashlar Newsletter to read about all the new updates. 


Fireworks Fundraiser - Bro. Jonas Barlow, Fireworks Captain

For historical bacground, we began selling fireworks at the Victory Drive Super Walmart just prior to the 2023 New Year and sold for about 6 days. After expenses, we raised around $4,000 for the Valley.  Based on historical data, we anticipate successful future outcomes with our fireworks stand at this location. Typically a stand will earn at least twice as much, for the selling season leading up to the 4th of July, as it did for the New Year season. That means we expect a profit in the neighborhood of $8,000 to $10,000, for selling during the upcoming ten day period.

As an incentive, those who volunteered for the New Years stand were awarded Double Eagle Points for each hour they are at the Fireworks Stand. These points will also backdate for our Valley’s stand this past summer.

Save the dates: Reserve on your calendar now from June 23 to July 4th! You don’t want to miss being a part of this amazing and easy opportunity to raise money for the Valley and earn Double Eagle points for yourself!

Henry Rifle Raffle

Drawing to be held on August 01, 2023 at the Valley of Savannah,  Located at: 3001 Chatham Center Drive, Savannah, Ga. 31405-8425. The Drawings will be televised live on Savannah Scottish Rite  Facebook page at 6:45 pm (EST).

Tickets are $10.00 each Or 6 for $50.00, Cash or Check. 


Orient Wide  Reunion

For the Hotel (Note: we could only block 10 rooms, they will add more if needed and available. Reserve your room ASAP) Atlanta Marriott Northeast / Emory Area | 2000 Century Boulevard NE | Atlanta, GA 30345|P: 404.348.1134 | F: 404.325.4920

Here's your reservation link your guests can use to make reservations:

Book your group rate for Scottish Rite of Free Masonry June

Event Summary:


More Specific Details from the Captain of New Membership, Bro. Jonas Barlow

Scan the petition QR code above or click here to share or get started on your Scottish Rite journey.

Valley of Columbus 

Recruitment Incentive

300th Celebration Silver Coin

300th Anniversary Coin commemorating the first constituted Grand Lodge from 1717-2017. 1 oz .999 Fine Silver Masonic coin. [One side stamped with Square and Compass and Genesis 1-3. Other Side with Appendant Bodies of masonry and coin sequence Number]. Each are serial number stamped 1-150. Can ask for specific number and availability but requires coordination with Bayardo Reyes at colsm@gascottishrite.org

Vol. 2, No. 4 - Apr 2023