VOL. 1, Issue 9

Aug 2022

Scottish Rite

The Ashlar

Valley of Columbus, Orient of Georgia

Serving Scottish Rite Masons in the Chattahoochee Valley

Personal Representative's Message

Joseph F. Oelgoetz

32° KCCH


Personal Representative

to the SGIG


A lot of great activities have occurred, recently, regarding the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus. To begin with a very successful Knight of Saint Andrew evening occurred at our last Lodge of Perfection meeting on Friday, July 15th. Several of our new 32nd Degree Masters of the Royal Secret were Knighted into the Order. The Chapter bestowed the honorary Knight of Saint Andrew upon Illustrious Brother Paul Wells, 33°. This is well deserved, as Illustrious Brother Paul is our “Dean” of the Valley of Columbus’ 33rd Degree Masons and has been such a key contributor to making our Degrees, Installation of Officers and as Master of Ceremonies for many of the Valley’s events successful and enjoyable.

The ”sword” of leadership passed to a new Officer Line for our Chapter of Knights of Saint Andrew. These new officers were installed as part of the Knights of Saint Andrew night. I first want to thank our outgoing Past Commander, Brother Jonas Barlow for his stewardship these last several months. He stepped into this role a year in advance as his predecessor, Honorable Brother Ron Provencher, had to pass the baton due to his being honored with the Order of Knight Commander Court of Honor. So, Brother Jonas took on his role of Commander a bit before he expected to. For that, I salute you, my Brother.

I congratulate the new officers and look forward to a great Knight of Saint Andrew year. I especially want to offer congratulations to Brother (and know Knight Commander) Bayardo Reyes. He has begun his year with enthusiasm and strong leadership. You can read more in his column in this month’s Ashlar.

RiteCare: Brethren, we are so very fortunate that we have Illustrious Brother Phil Harris, 33° heading up our RiteCare effort for the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus. Our partner, the Autism Learning Center of Columbus has gone through an ownership change. Illustrious Brother Harris has kept close to this change and have successfully gained the support and enthusiasm from the new owner – KNR Therapy.

Additionally, we recently received a generous donation of $1,000 from the local outdoor BBQ grill company – Charbroil, LLC. And as recently as Wednesday, July 27, 2021, a team of Brethren from the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus presented a RiteCare check to our partner, The Autism Learning Center of Columbus. More information can be found in the RiteCare column in this issue of The Ashlar.

As I started in the June Ashlar, I wanted to write concerning the four cardinal virtues: Courage, Temperance, Justice, and Wisdom. As I stated last issue, Marcus Aurelius called them the “touchstones of goodness”.

The word “cardinal” comes from the Latin cardo, or hinge. They are pivotal for a good life. An honorable life hangs on inculcating these four tenets in one’s life. Thus, the four cardinal virtues of Courage, Temperance, Justice, and Wisdom are guideposts for one to live by.

The following overview of the Four Cardinal Virtues bare repeating from my July column in The Ashlar.

The following is taken from the Daily Stoic. I attribute the following to this website: https://dailystoic.com/

They are the most essential values one can master. “If, at some point in your life, Marcus Aurelius wrote, “you should come across anything better than justice, truth, self-control, courage—it must be an extraordinary thing indeed.” That was almost twenty centuries ago. We have discovered a lot of things since then—automobiles, the Internet, cures for diseases that were previously a death sentence—but have we found anything better?

…than being brave

…than moderation and sobriety

…than doing what’s right

…than truth and understanding?

No, we have not. It’s unlikely we ever will. Everything we face in life is an opportunity to respond with these four traits.

Summum Bonum was the expression from Cicero, Rome’s greatest orator. In Latin, it means “Sovereign Good” or “the highest good.” And what is the highest good? What is it that we are supposed to be aiming for in this life? To the Stoics, the answer is virtue. They said that everything we face in life was an opportunity to respond with virtue. Even bad situations. Even painful or scary ones. If we act virtuously, they believed, everything else important could follow: Happiness, success, meaning, reputation, honor, love. “The man who has virtue,” Cicero said, “is in need of nothing whatever for the purpose of living well.”

Ok, but what is virtue? The Stoics and in Masonic philosophy it is believed that to practice of instilling in one’s life the four virtues: Courage, Temperance, Justice, and Wisdom will lead to a virtuous life.

In June I wrote about “Courage”. In July I wrote about “Wisdom”. In this issue I will touch on “Temperance”.

Temperance in its modern use is defined as moderation or voluntary self-restraint. It is typically described in terms of what an individual voluntarily refrains from doing. This includes restraint from revenge by practicing non-violence and forgiveness, restraint from arrogance by practicing humility and modesty, restraint from excesses such as extravagant luxury or splurging, and restraint from rage or craving by practicing calmness and self-control.

In classical iconography, the virtue is often depicted as a woman holding two vessels transferring water from one to another. As is stated previously, it is one of the Cardinal Virtues in western thought found in Greek Philosophy and Christianity, as well as eastern traditions such as Buddhism and Hinduism.

In his Meditations, the Roman emperor and stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius defines temperance as "a virtue opposed to love of pleasure". He argues that temperance separates humans from animals, writing that:

“It is the peculiar office of the rational and intelligent motion to circumscribe itself, and never to be overpowered either by the motion of the senses or the appetites, for both are animal; but the intelligent motion claims superiority and does not permit itself to be overpowered by the others.”

I often think of Temperance as “the middle way”. It is moderation. It relates to all aspects of one’s life, whether it is nourishment and food (which I struggle with), adult beverage consumption to one’s response or lack of response in a charged, emotional situation.

Temperance is often associated with the physiological, such as overeating or over drinking. But it can especially be associated with the emotional. Are we, as Freemasons, not taught to keep our passions in due bounds? Are we not called to restraint in a heated situation? Remember the Masonic symbol of the circle between two parallel lines. Within the circle is a dot, which represents the individual. The lesson – to keep that dot within the bound of the circle and between the two lines – to be temperate and maintaining one’s passions in due bounds.

Viktor Frankl stated “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.” In that space is Wisdom’s (another of the four cardinal virtues) opportunity to assist Temperance. Recognizing that space is the first step towards Temperance. That space is where we either take the lessons from our reading and life experiences and apply it or we throw it out the window and act impulsively and irrationally. Applying our lessons and keeping our passions in due bounds is the Cardinal Virtue of Temperance.

Warmest Fraternal Regards, Joe

Joseph F. Oelgoetz III, 32° KCCH

Personal Representative to the

Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the

Orient of Georgia

100th Anniversary Celebration

Mark your calendars for the Centennial Celebration of the founding of the Valley of Columbus, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry – Saturday, September 23, 2023. We have gained acceptance of our invitation to Sovereign Grand Commander, Illustrious James D. Cole, 33°, Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction, who will be in attendance for this event. Additionally, we have gained acceptance to attend by Right Worshipful & Illustrious Michael A. Kessler, 33° who is currently the Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Georgia. Expectations is that he will be the Grand Master at the time of our Centennial celebration. The Grand line will also be in attendance.

The current overall elements of the celebration event would be the following:

  • Rededication of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus’ Temple – by the Grand Lodge Officers

  • Lunch for all attendees of the Rededication

  • Black Tie Gala – to include Dinner, Presentations and Dancing

  • The forging of a Centennial Coin, development of a Centennial Program and other keepsakes

We are being led in our planning of this very special event by Brother Bayardo Reyes, 32°. He is looking for others to join the planning committee. Brethren and Ladies are welcome to be a part of the planning of this once in one-hundred years event. If interested, please do not hesitate to contact either our General Secretary: Honorable Brother Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH at colsec@gascottishrite.org, or Brother Bayardo Reyes, 32° at bayardo.reyes.32@gmail.com.

300th Celebration Silver Coin

300th Anniversary Coin commemorating the first constituted Grand Lodge from 1717-2017. 1 oz .999 Fine Silver Masonic coin. [One side stamped with Square and Compass and Genesis 1-3. Other Side with Appendant Bodies of masonry and coin sequence Number]. Each are serial number stamped 1-150. Can ask for specific number and availability but requires coordination with Bayardo Reyes at colsm@gascottishrite.org.

Key Notes from the Valley

Scottish Rite Valley of Columbus - 2022 Officers

Lodge of Perfection

  • Venerable Master Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH

  • Senior Warden Baron Conklin, 32o, KCCH

  • Junior Warden Roger Buterbaugh, 32o, KCCH

  • Master of Ceremonies Rossi Ross, 32o, KCCH

  • Expert Bob Lyon, 32o, KCCH

  • Assistant Expert Ditmar Chavez, 32o, KCCH

  • Captain of the Host Russell Ward, 32o

  • Prelate Dennis Buchanan, 32o

  • Tyler Scott Lavelle, 32o

Chapter Knights Rose Croix

  • Wise Master John Ohrt, 33o

  • Senior Warden Rossie Ross, 32o, KCCH

  • Junior Warden Bill Block, 32o, KCCH

  • Master of Ceremonies Scott Lavelle, 32o

  • Expert Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH

  • Standard Bearer Jonas Barlow, 32o

  • Guardian of the Temple Larry Cox, 32o, KCCH

  • Tyler Richard Luna, 32o

Council of Kadosh

  • Commander Bob Lyon, 32o, KCCH

  • 1st Lt Commander Tony McCool, 32o, KCCH

  • 2d Lt Commander Ed Lynch, 32o, KCCH

  • Chancellor Harold Culpepper, 32o, KCCH

  • Master of Ceremonies Ron Provencher, 32o, KCCH

  • Tercopiller Jonas Barlow, 32o

  • Draper Bayardo Reyes, 32o

  • Junior Deacon Bill Buffton, 32o, KCCH

  • Bearer of the Black Stand Mark Stillwell, 32o

  • Bearer of the White Stand Brian Pierce, 32o

  • Lt of the Guard Jacob Robideaux, 32o


  • Master of Kadosh Sidney Cooley, 32o, KCCH

  • Prior Roger Buterbaugh, 32o, KCCH

  • Preceptor Harry Ross, 32o, KCCH

  • Chancellor Russell Ward, 32o

  • Minister of State Bayardo Reyes, 32o

  • Prelate Phillip Jones, 32o

  • Master of Ceremonies Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH

  • Expert Ed Lynch, 32o, KCCH

  • Assistant Expert Tony McCool, 32o, KCCH

  • Captain of the Guard Matthew Dewinter, 32o

  • Steward John Adams, 32o

Torrey Knight, 32° KCCH

Fraternally yours,

Torrey Knight, 32° KCCH

Venerable Master

Valley of Columbus

Venerable Master


Dear Brethren of the Valley of Columbus,

What an exciting time to be a Scottish Rite Mason in our Valley!

Over the past few months, the Valley has done some amazing work in the Valley and for our community. This includes recently making a significant donation to our Rite Care partner, The Autism Learning Center, initiating 8 new members into the Valley, installing a new core of officers in the Knights of St. Andrew, and hosting public ceremonies such as the Flag Day program.

The next few months will continue to be an exciting adventure for the Valley. We are very pleased to announce two programs for our August meeting. We are grateful to have Illustrious Brother Paul “Norm” Blankenbeckler, 33° as our guest speaker for the Lodge of Perfection. Il. Brother Blankenbeckler will be making a presentation on “Sacred Geometry”. This will include a look at the symbolism learned in the Blue Lodge degrees and how they relate to Scottish Rite Masonry. While the brothers enjoy a philosophical journey to learn more about masonic symbols, the ladies will have a very special program just for them.

We are excited to announce that Valley will hold a special program for the ladies in our lives. We are pleased to have Mrs. Karen Oelgoetz, wife of HB Joe Oelgoetz, 32° KCCH, who has extensive experience in the wine industry conducting a wine and cheese tasting for our ladies. Ms Oelgoetz has worked for more than ten years in the retail wine business. She was the wine expert for her store’s monthly newsletter. She travelled to South America (Argentina and Chile) to review wine futures and she has often attended the annual international wine expo in New York, NY.

Please reach out to our General Secretary and RSVP for the Wine and Cheese event for your wife/significant other/mother/sister/daughter. We want this to be a nice and special event for them.

Brothers, I wish to thank you for all your support so far this year. Without you, our work and achievements could not have been realized. There are several upcoming events for the Valley that I would like you to be aware of including: the Feast of Tishri (September Meeting), The Rite Care Dove Shoot (September 17), and Fall Reunion (October 21-22). I hope that you will come out and support the Valley and these events. We look forward to seeing you soon.

General Secretary



We have had a very busy month of July. First, on July 22, a contingent of Scottish Rite Masons lead by IB Phil Harris, 33° attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Colonel Robert S. Poydasheff VA Clinic in Columbus. IB Poydasheff, 33°, was a very active member of the Valley of Columbus for many years and his contributions to the Valley will be long remembered. We were surprised by his unexpected passing a couple of years ago. We are happy that this Soldier, Mason, former Mayor of Columbus, and good friend (who wanted everyone to call him Uncle Bob) is honored by having the newest Veterans Administration medical clinic named in his honor.

Then, on July 27, we presented the next check to the Autism Learning Center, our Rite Care Partner. They are under new ownership by KNR Therapy but will continue to provide autism treatment and training in Columbus. As a side note, our next Rite Care fundraiser will be the Dove Shoot on September 17, 2022. Mark you calendars and be sure to join us for this fun event.

Another reminder that Supreme Council has sent out 2023 dues notices to include advancing everyone their 2023 dues cards. If you set up an automatic payment from your credit card your dues of $150.00 has already been charged. For everyone else, dues are due no later than December 31, 2022. You can either pay on line via the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite web site or by sending me a check (I'll even take cash!).

Hoping to see you at our next meeting on August 19 (and we are still under summer attire so wear your Scottish Rite or another appropriate polo shirt).

Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH

Fraternally yours,

Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH

General Secretary

Valley of Columbus

Sir Knight

Bayardo Reyes, 32°

Fraternally yours,

Bayardo Reyes, 32°

KSA Commander

Valley of Columbus

Upcoming KSA Meetings, Events, & Important Dates

  • KSA - October 15, 2022, 10:00AM - Meeting - Review of Manual – Initial Burns Night Planning

  • KSA - January 14, 2023, 10:00AM – Meeting - Burns Knight Preparations

  • Burns Night at the Valley - January 20, 2022

  • KSA - April 15, 2023, 10:00 AM

  • KSA - June 24, 2023, Time TBD - Annual Elections Elections/Ritual Walk

  • KSA - Initiation/Installation at the Valley - July 21, 2023, Night 6PM

Past KSA Commanders

The KSA Valley of Columbus Chapter was formed in 2017 and have been under the leadership of the following Knights.

  • Sir Knight Lawrence (Larry) Cox (2017-2018)

  • Sir Knight Rossy Ross (2018-2019)

  • Sir Knight Tony McCool (2019-2020)

  • Sir Knight Harry Ross (2020-2021)

  • Sir Knight Robert Provincher (2021)

  • Sir Knight Jonas Barlow (2021-2022)

Knights of Saint Andrew Commander


Dear Knights & Brethren,

First and foremost, I would like to thank all my fellow knights on having elected me as KSA Commander for the period of July 2022-July 2023. It is an honor and privilege and will do the best to my ability to perform in the duties and responsibilities under such position. In addition, congratulations to the 17 June 2022 – 24 June 2023 Officers Line and welcoming our newly initiated knights to our order:

Knight Commander Sir Knight Bayardo Reyes

Knight Warden Knight Russell Ward

Knight Captain Knight Scott Lavell

Knight Prior Knight Jim Davis

Knight Secretary Knight Rossy Ross (Sir Grand Knight)

Knight Chaplain Knight John Adams

Knight Preceptor Knight Chris Bagley

Knight Sentinel Knight Phillip Jones

Initiated Knights 17 June 2022

Sir Knight Paul E Wells (33 ° Illustrious) - Honorary

Knight Chris Bagley

Knight Matt Burgess

Knight Richard Luna

Knight Thomas McKean

Knight Steven Smith

Knight Jacob Robideaux

Knight TJ Watson

Reemphasizing our purpose and constitutions:

“The purpose of the Knights of Saint Andrew (KSA), Valley of Columbus, is to provide a body where newly created Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret can adopt a positive and helpful role within the various Valley of Columbus Scottish Rite Bodies operating under the aegis of the Grand Orient of Georgia, A.A.S.R. with fealty to the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of the United States of America.”

“The constitution, by-laws, and role of the said Knights of Saint Andrew must always conform to, and never be in violation of, the constitution and code of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Georgia and the statutes of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction, as well as the by-laws and regulations of the Valley of Columbus, AASR.”

To our new knights:

Welcome and congratulations. I would like to express that to really be part of the KSA, you must display high pride and respect for your uniform and contribute to the needs of the Valley of Columbus. As a 32° Mason and now as a Knight, expectations are higher with greater standard. Our duties include but not least: as Greeters at the front door, escorts during meetings for ladies and special guests, Tylers, Kitchen Crew (either serving, cleaning, or cooking), Reunion Degree Team Member, Stage and Room Set up staff, Photographer, Cinematographer, and more importantly now; Firework Stand volunteers among other fundraising functions. In addition, we have our very own fundraiser for the Valley on 20 January 2023 – Burns Night.

College of Freemasonry

The Morgan Affair

The Morgan Affair

While not written in the usual article format, the below is a Lodge presentation as presented by Honorable Brother Joseph F. Oelgoetz III, 32° KCCH, Personal Representative to the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Orient of Georgia.

Critical to this presentation is that there is a preponderance of information on the events I am about to discuss, but there is very little factual evidence. Most of what I have investigated is conjecture, opinion and speculation. Even today, we do not know what really happened on that fateful day in September 1826.

Some background:

  • After the American Revolution, the State of New York was a contrast of cultures.

  • New York City and the Hudson Valley had become one of the major centers of the new Republic. It was a center of culture, commerce and industrialization. The economy of this part of New York State was thriving.

  • By contrast, Western New York was agriculturally based. Citizens of which were poorly educated, often with little means and suffering economically.

  • The Western New Yorker tended to be highly religious and superstitious.

  • Several Christian Revivals had swept the western part of the state by 1820’s known as the second great awakening. Several religious sects sprang up, not to mention the founding of the Mormon religion in Palmyra, New York (28 miles east of Rochester) in 1820 by Joseph Smith.

  • Western New York in the early 1800’s also took to Freemasonry, as well

  • The Northern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry was going through a battle at this time as well, a battle that often hit the papers and gave people a poor taste in their mouth concerning Freemasonry. There were several prominent Freemasons that claimed jurisdiction for the Degrees of the Scottish Rite in and around New York. Finally, the Southern Jurisdiction sent a representative, its Treasurer General, Emanuel De La Motta, to review all claims and finally pronounced that the group headed by Antoine Bideaud be given the charter to become the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction – That would ultimately include 17 states in the Northeast part of our country…but that is for a different story.

So, Western New York at this time was fertile ground for unrest: religious, political and fraternal.

William Morgan: He was born in Culpepper County, Virginia in 1774. He did not have much formal education. In his early teens, he became an apprentice stone-mason.

  • He attempted to start several businesses without success.

  • In his 40’s he married Lucinda Pendleton. Some accounts have her age at 19 and some around 15. Which even in the early 1800’s would have been considered as “robbing the cradle”.

  • 2 years after his marriage he moves the family to York, Ontario, Canada and starts a Brewery. It burns down and this reduces him to poverty.

  • Moves the family to Rochester, New York

  • In Rochester, he gets jobs as a stone-mason/brick layer.

  • It is here that he begins to claim that he was a Captain in the Virginia Militia during the War of 1812. Actual records of the roles of the Militia - there are several “William Morgan’s” but no Captain William Morgan.

  • The Masonic Dictionary .com says this of William Morgan: “Few are so wicked as to be without friends; few are so good they have not their detractors. from the estimates of both enemies and friends, the years have brought an evaluation of Morgan which shows him as a shiftless rolling stone; uneducated but shrewd; careless of financial obligations: often arrested for debt; idle and impoverished; frequently the beneficiary of Masonic charity.”

  • Some say he was an eavesdropper of a Lodge in Rochester.

  • He moved 33 miles south west from Rochester to Batavia, New York where he got a friend, and possibly his employer, to vouch for him to join Wells Lodge No. 282 of that same village.

  • There is absolutely no evidence that he ever received the Degrees or was raised as a Master Mason.

  • There is records that he did receive the Royal Arch Degree on May 31, 1825 in Western Star Chapter No. 33 of Le Roy, New York.

  • Given that Le Roy was over 20 miles from Batavia there were several members that petition the Grand Chapter for a charter to open a Chapter in Batavia. Initially William Morgan’s name was on the original request.

  • But as suspicions grew as to his actual Masonic history, his name was removed from the petition.

  • Thus, there were two things that happened that cause William Morgan’s animosity towards the Masons of Batavia. 1. The removal of his name from the petition to the Grand Chapter of New York to establish a Royal Arch Chapter in Batavia; and 2. He was denied to even bid on the brick work for a new Masonic Lodge that was going to be built in the village.

  • He became friends with David Cade Miller, a Newspaper Editor in Batavia. Records indicate that Miller had been initiated as an Entered Apprentice, but was not approved to go any further. Miller owned a printing press.

  • Morgan’s animosity grew. It is said that he threatened, openly and especially when he was at the local tavern, that we was going to write and publish and expose on the rituals of Freemasonry.

  • In fact, after one long night of drinking with friends, he had left in a very public location a copy of an expose on Freemasonry written 1814 and a copy of the Rituals of the Bavarian Illuminati. These were returned to him, but was the center of gossip in such a small town.

  • In September of 1826, David Miller’s print shop caught fire – some say it was Masons, other say Miller started the fire to flame the excitement brewing and to gain some promotion of Morgan’s soon to be published book. Both Wells Lodge No. 282 and the Royal Arch Chapter condemn the act and even offered reward for information leading to the culprit or culprits. To no avail.

  • On September 11, 1826, William Morgan was arrested by the Sheriff of Niagara County, a Freemason by the name of Eli Bruce, for non-payment of a debt and stealing a shirt and a tie.

  • Morgan was taken 50 miles east to be placed in jail in Canandaigua, New York – the then county seat. Beautiful place.

  • The next day, four persons – all Freemasons – Nicholas Chesebro, Loton Lawson, Edward Sawyer and a “Dr. Foster” came to the jail and paid his debt. Witnesses say he was dragged, screaming “Murder, Murder” to a waiting carriage, to never be seen again.

  • One account is that he was paid a good sum of money – about $500 (about $12,000 today) – to move to Canada and to never return to the area again.

  • Another account was that he was taken to the middle of the Niagara River and thrown overboard.

  • In fact, one year and one month later, a very decomposed body washed up on the New York side of Lake Ontario. Locals believe it is the body of William Morgan. But the wife of a Timothy Monroe identified the clothing as her husbands. Additionally, when first shown the body, Lucinda, Morgan’s wife, says that it is not him, but latter recounts that testimony.

  • In 1826, Masonry was implicated in the Murder of William Morgan. From 1825 to 1830 there were no less that 20 Grand Jurys called. 54 Masons were implicated; 6 were brought to trial and received convictions – from 30 days to 28 months for Sheriff Eli Bruce.

  • But the convictions were not for murder, but for abduction.

  • The American public was shocked at the kidnapping, and in many minds, the murder of William Morgan. And many believed that the minimal sentences handed down was the result of a Masonic conspiracy.

  • There was a belief that the jury (or juries) were all Freemasons. The prosecutor was, in fact, a Freemason. Many in government – the sitting Governor of New York – DeWitt Clinton, was a past Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons for the State of New York and a Past Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter or Royal Arch Masons for the State of New York, and not to mention that the then President of the United States, Andrew Jackson, was a Past Grand Master of Tennessee. This and the fact that the local law enforcement were Freemasons and the sheriff being implicated all led to a feeling that there was a government within the government being run by the Masonic Fraternity.

  • By the way Governor DeWitt Clinton did offer a reward of $1,000 (about $23,000 in today’s dollars) for the whereabouts of Morgan, to no avail.

  • This fervor resulted in Thurlow Weed, a New York politician to gather discontented opponents of President Andrew Jackson, a Mason, into a new party called the Anti-Masonic Party, which gained support of such notable politicians as William H. Seward, Millard Filmore, and John Quincy Adams.

  • The Anti-Masonic Party was the first party to ever hold a nomination convention and for the Presidential race of 1832 they nominated the former Attorney General of Maryland, William Wirt. He came in distant third to the winner – incumbent President Andrew Jackson, Past Grand Master of Tennessee, and Henry Clay, past Grand Master of Kentucky.

  • William Wirt dies in 1834 and with that the Anti-Masonic Party dies, as well.

  • But socially, Masonry is ostracized. Especially in the Northeast. Masons were not held in high regard. Many who served in local, state and federal government renounced their membership. Many churches banned membership to those that were Masons.

  • It even reached other environs. The following is from the minutes of Columbian Lodge No. 28 (now 7) of Columbus, Georgia:

    • June 24, 1831: Called for Purpose of celebrating the anniversary of St. John the Baptist – Kivlin Worshipful Master, Fannin, Senior Warden, ect…Brother Hallenbeck delivered address in commemoration Of the Birth of our Illustrious Patron Saint John the Baptist. Brother Fannin offered the following resolution – “Whereas much excitement has existed and more now exists in some parts of our country, in relation to the abduction of William Morgan of Batavia, New York – and whereas that masonic society at large has been censured, as having ordered, assisted and abetted in said abduction – and do still continue to countenance and defend those engaged in it. It is therefore – Resolved by the members of Columbian Lode No. 28 that they so in common with the good and virtuous citizens of these United States, disapprove of the conduct of such as were in anyway engaged in the abduction of William Morgan – and that they do regard their false procedure – and one that is no less disapproved by the tenents of our order, than it is contrary to the Law of the Land and that Civil Righta of the American Citizen.” Adjouned.

    • By the way “Fannin” is James Fannin of the Republic of Texas – Commander, who along with his men, were martyred at Goliad by Brother Santa Ana….but that is for another presentations…

  • Prior to 1826 there were 227 Lodges in the State of New York. By 1835 the number of Lodges was at 41.

  • In Massachusetts, the number of Lodges went from 108 to 56.

  • By the mid 1840’s this Masonic hatred began to subside and the number of members of our Craft began to grow again…but anti-masonic sentiment still existed.

  • For in 1881 it was reported that a grave was discovered in a quarry about 2 miles from the Seneca Indian Reservation in Pembroke, New York. In it was found bones and a metal tobacco box. Other items found included a ring with the inscribed initials of “W. M.”. There was also crumbled paper in the box – its few legible words seemed to suggest that the remains belonged to William Morgan. – But

  • This finding just so happens to coincide with the building of a monument in the Batavia cemetery. This Monument, built by the National Christian Association is a group that opposed secret societies – was dedicated in 1882 with over 1,000 attending, including Freemasons. The Monument reads:

“Sacred to the memory of William Morgan, a native of Virginia, a Captain in the War of 1812, a respected citizen of Batavia, and a martyr to the freedom of writing, printing and speaking the truth. He was abducted from near this spot in the year 1826 by Freemasons and murdered for revealing the secrets of their order. The records of Genesee County and the files of the Batavia Advocate kept in the Recorders office contain the history of the events that caused the erection of the monument.”


  • William Morgan’s book: “Morgan’s Expose of Free Masonry – as written by Captain William Morgan” was printed three months after he became missing – it was a bestseller.

  • There is a lesson here: Because just a few Masons could not subdue their passions and keep them in due bounds – the worst period in the history of the Craft occurred. This indicates that one man can either add great and positive energy to our Fraternity, or one man can add great detriment to it. We must guard the West Door, and insure we are bringing good, honest men into our midst. If not, something like the Morgan affair could happen again, and our Gentle Craft could, once again, be attacked due to the acts of a few.

Committee Reports


RiteCare Update - August 6, 2022

In January of this year the Valley of Columbus RiteCare Clinic, the Autism Learning Center, LLC (ALC), Columbus, GA, was acquired by Florida based, Shields Capital (SC), a health care centered capital investment group and KNR Therapy (KNR), located in Tampa, FL. KNR provides home, school, center and community based Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) in Central Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Massachusetts.

Nicole Hilmes, the founder and Director of ALC, who continues to work with the new owners said, “Our team is thrilled to join forces with KNR. Our goal at ALC has always been to provide interventions based on the principles of ABA to help children learn how to independently communicate, play, and socially engage in their community. We are confident that together with KNR our combined efforts will make a stronger organization and allow us to better serve our families. This is a huge step forward for families, in addition to the support, we can continue to offer our employees.”

ALC provides clinic and school-based ABA therapy services to children ages 2 to 18 years old. As Nicole’s son, “Drew”, has grown up and thanks to his mother’s commitment to all children with autism, has progressed from nonverbal to being able to communicate with a Language Acquisition Through Motor Planning (LAMP) device. The KNR partnership will allow her to spend more time with Drew and her husband, Brigadier General, Andrew “Andy”, Hilmes who recently relinquished his Command of the Combat Readiness Center and Director of Safety at Fort Rucker, AL, in preparation for his retirement.

We recently met with Frank Bequer, the founder of KNR, and some of his senior staff members at ALC and presented them with a check for $5,000 on behalf of the Scottish Rite Foundation of Georgia, Inc., RiteCare© Childhood Language Program. This brings the Valley up to date on the funding commitment we made to them as our RiteCare Clinic. Frank was firm in his commitment to continue to partner with RiteCare and is looking forward to his return trip to participate the Valley’s Second Annual, Charity Dove Shoot, Saturday, September 17, 2022, in Lumpkin, GA. To learn more about The Autism Learning Center, LLC (ALC) in Columbus, Georgia, a division of KNR Therapy, please visit their websites.

We have two major fundraising projects ongoing. The upcoming Dove Shoot, Saturday, September 17, 2022, will raise money to fund our commitment to RiteCare. We need volunteers, donors, paid sponsors, prizes to raffle off and registered shooters to make this a success. We are also raffling off a 12 Gauge Benelli M2 Field Shotgun to raise money for the Valley. You can donate cash, buy sponsorships and register to shoot with a credit card online on the Valley’s website www.scottishritecolsga.com, or just call me at 706-527-7126, to purchase shotgun raffle tickets.

Also, thanks to Honorable Brother Joe Oelgoetz, we have received a generous contribution of $1,000 from Char-Broil in Columbus. Other than the Dove Shoot Sponsors this is our first contribution from a major corporate donor.

Thanks to all of the Brothers who make the Valley of Columbus the great success that it is.

Phil Harris 33°, Chairman

Executive Committee

Valley Membership Achievement Project (VMAP)

We are far into this year with many accomplishments with so much more to close out the year. As we head into the Month of August 2022, and we look forward to provide services to our Community and Members of the Valley of Columbus, GA. Each Month and Year that passes is a learning process of what we have done, and what we can do more often to be better. The VMAP provides us with a summery report of the years progress of those services.


My Brethren, Hope all is well with each of you and Family.

Update on building issues,

1.) There has been a abnormal amount of water usage at the building the usage would be intermittent or continuous at different times mostly starting after or around midnight, several of the toilets would occasionally stick, we must make sure they are not running when we leave the building. 1 toilet has been repaired. As a preventive measure I installed locks on our two outside faucets.

2.) We are in the process of getting some estimates to convert one of our restrooms to be handicap accessible.

3.) Still need some help replacing some ceiling tile in the auditorium.

4.) Also, desperately need help with plaster repair in our ladies restroom.

5.) About have all the supplies to start adding pictures to our deceased Honormen wall.

6.) And anyone that has any idea of what we can do to make our building look good from the outside, please share with us, that old vinyl is so brittle it would just crack to pieces if we pressure washed it.

That's about all for now, Please contact myself or the General Secretary if you can help.

Thank You,

Fraternally & Sincerely

Harry Ross 32°, KCCH

Annual Dove Shoot

Dove shoot Brochure 2022.pdf
Dove Shoot Ad Form 2022.pdf

Shotgun Raffle

Don't miss your opportunity to win this Benelli M2 Field Shotgun Model #11147. Contact Illustrious Brother Phil Harris to learn more about how to get your raffle tickets today.

Philip Harris <peharrissr@yahoo.com>

Vol. 1, No. 9 - Aug 2022