VOL. 2, Issue 3

Mar 2023

Scottish Rite

The Ashlar

Valley of Columbus, Orient of Georgia

Serving Scottish Rite Masons in the Chattahoochee Valley

Personal Representative's Message

Joseph F. Oelgoetz

32° KCCH


Personal Representative 

to the SGIG

Greetings Brethren,

It is March already.  We are moving into Spring and the time of rebirth. The return of flowers, leaves on the trees, and a time for each of us to grow. Avenues for growth are offered in Freemasonry. One that is critical to all of us is the foundation provided by our Speculative Lodge. Participate in your Lodge’s meetings, even if only attending the meeting. Observing and/or taking a part in a degree will enhance your growth and you will definitely learn something new that will enhance journey East.   

Growth also comes with work in the Valley of Columbus. Think of your strengths, are you good at degree work, good at being handy around a building, good at technology, good at planning programs, or good at administration such as finance. We need your “work” in areas of Degree performance, Stage Set-up and support, Fundraising – need a lot of support on the Dove Shoot for RiteCare, Philanthropy work – we need help with RiteCare and our annual scholarship program, membership assistance, Lodge of Perfection meeting program, building committee work and other areas of Valley administration. Please consider how you can help YOUR Valley.  Let myself, our Executive Committee Chairman, Illustrious Phil Harris, 33° or our General Secretary, Honorable Brother Roger Buterbaugh 32° KCCH know where and how you would want to contribute.

We had a wonderful February meeting, the topic of which, was a tribute to our ladies. Thanks go to our Venerable Master, Honorable Brother Baron Conklin, 32° KCCH for a program, well done. A great raffle basket was offered thanks to Lily of the Valley, Donna Buterbaugh. It was a wonderful valentine’s motif. I am told that the basked garnered over $200 for the operations of the Valley. Our March meeting will happen on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th. Wear your green.  I am sure our Venerable Master will have a wonderful program.  Please attend and bring your family.

I want to thank all the brethren who attended the Orient’s membership gathering at the Valley of Middle Georgia on February 11th. It was a wonderful day of Masonic knowledge with Illustrious Dean Alban, 33° and Illustrious Arturo de Hoyas, 33° Grand Cross.  Follow-up with those Master Masons from our area that attended and invite them to our Valley Lodge of Perfection meetings.

Brethren, are there any Master Masons in your Lodge or who you may know that would make a great Scottish Rite Mason?  Or a brother who you think would benefit from membership in the Scottish Rite? Consider introducing them to our Valley. Invite them and their significant other to our monthly Lodge of Perfection meeting on the third Friday of each month. Dinner is on us if they visit. Importantly, make them aware that the Orient of Georgia is having “The Grand Masters Class” to be held on Saturday, June 3, 2023 at the Atlanta Masonic Center. They will participate in an epic Reunion.  They will observe some of the best ritual of some of our Scottish Rite Degrees, including our very own team that will be performing the 14th Degree, Perfect Elu. Thank you to Illustrious Paul Wells, 33°, Degree Director Illustrious John Ohrt, 33° and the other members of our 14th Degree team for this outstanding effort. Do not miss our team and others at this very special Reunion. As I mentioned above, even if you have been a Scottish Rite Mason for years, I guarantee you will find growth in just observing the Degrees at this Reunion.

2023 marks the 100th Anniversary of the Valley of Columbus! We have wonderful plans to celebrate this important milestone over the weekend of September 22-24, 2023. This is another opportunity to offer your services and to volunteer to make this event a success.  Let Brother Bayardo Reyes know if you want to help.

Thank you all for all you do for the Rite!

Warmest Fraternal Regards,  Joe

Joseph F. Oelgoetz III, 32° KCCH

Personal Representative to the

Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the

Orient of Georgia

Key Notes from the Valley

Scottish Rite Valley of Columbus - 2023 Officers 

Lodge of Perfection

Chapter Knights Rose Croix

Council of Kadosh


Baron L. Conklin, 32° KCCH

Fraternally yours,

Baron L. Conklin, 32° KCCH

Venerable Master

Valley of Columbus

Venerable Master


Dear Brethren of the Valley of Columbus,

Our February meeting honored our lovely Scottish Rite ladies who do so much to make our Center more beautiful and livable. From their aspect, several expressed thanks for the improvements in their ‘powder room’. We also learned some history surrounding Valentine’s Day, and were reminded of the importance of taking care of our hearts, as well as a discussion of the varied meanings of the word ‘love’. We concluded the evening with the presentation of a rose to each lady, as we toasted them with several vintages.

The Grandmaster’s statewide reunion is only three months away, so everyone should be beating the bush for some prospects. Our goal should be to hit double digits with our roster. There are new rewards for first line signers!

Almost immediately after our cap and ring ceremony, it will be time to man our fireworks stand on Victory Drive. Block out some days at the end of June now, as we expect significantly brisker business, compared to New Years.

For those who have not heard, our General Secretary, HB Roger Buterbaugh, underwent corrective surgery at Saint Francis late last month for chronic recurring diverticulitis, and is now recuperating and working from home. Our Personal Representative is helping with coverage in the office. Join me in praying for a swift return downtown, where he is needed.

Ill. Norm Blanklenbeckler has offered to provide a program this month. Whether he does, or I have to cover, the theme is Saint Paddy’s Day, and we have been promised a traditional meal of corned beef and cabbage. Remember to wear some green! I will be driving back from Amaranth Grand Court in Atlanta for the evening, and sure hope I will see all of you there.

General Secretary



We had a fun time at our Lodge of Perfection meeting on February 17.  We celebrated Valentine's Day.  Our Venerable Master, HB Baron Conklin, gave a very interesting presentation on the history of Valentine's Day as well as on heart health (since February is also Heart Awareness Month).  After the meeting we retired to the Dining Room where dessert was served.  We held a raffle for a Valentine's Day basket and for a basket of candy.  Congratulations to Brother Richard Luna who won the basket and to Lady Kat Adams for winning the candy.  We raised $221 for the general operating fund from the raffle.  Our next Lodge of Perfection meeting will be March 17.  Our program will be about St. Patrick's Day and the menu will be corned beef and cabbage.  We hope you will join us (and we are planning another raffle!).

We will not have our own Spring Reunion this year but will participate in the state-wide Grand Master's Reunion in Atlanta on June 3.  As an incentive to get petitions, the Executive Committee approved the following incentive for Valley of Columbus Scottish Rite Masons.  If you are the first line signer on two petitions you will get 50% off of your dues for 2024; first line signer on three petitions 75% off; and first line signer on four petitions 100% off (we will cover your 2024 dues for you).  So go out and invite eligible Master Masons to become Scottish Rite Masons (yes, you can ask a Master Mason to join), and you may wind up having part or all of your dues covered for 2024!  We have online petitions now, see the QR code in this Ashlar for accessing them.

I will be having surgery on February 23 and will be out for approximately 4-6 weeks.  I will work from home as I can and made arrangements to have work at the Scottish Rite Center covered.  We may be a little slower than usual in responding to you should you contact us, but we will get back with you.  Thanks in advance for your patience.

Let us know how we can better serve you!

Fraternally yours,

Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH

General Secretary

Valley of Columbus

Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH

Scan here for our online petition

Sir Knight 

Bayardo Reyes, 32°

Valley Of Columbus Centennial  


It is with great pleasure to announce our Centennial Celebration will be held on 23 September 2023. This will be our very own “2023 Masquerade Ball”. Open to all Master Masons, family and friends. 

A rededication ceremony will be conducted in the morning on the same day at the Valley center and the Ball will convene at 6:00pm at the Bibb Event Center, Columbus, GA. Accommodations with special hotel rates will be available. For additional information and invitations please contact me via email at colsm@gascottishrite.org. Price per person and ticket ordering will be announced with more detail at a later date.


Sir Bayardo “Rey” Reyes

Knight Commander

Knights of St Andrew 

Upcoming KSA Meetings, Events, & Important Dates

100th Anniversary Celebration 

Mark your calendars for the Centennial Celebration of the founding of the Valley of Columbus, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry – Saturday, September 23, 2023.  We have gained acceptance of our invitation to Sovereign Grand Commander, Illustrious James D. Cole, 33°, Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction, who will be in attendance for this event.  Additionally, we have gained acceptance to attend by Most Worshipful & Illustrious Michael A. Kessler, 33°, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Georgia.  The Grand line will also be in attendance.

The current overall elements of the celebration event would be the following:

We are being led in our planning of this very special event by Brother Bayardo Reyes, 32°.  He is looking for others to join the planning committee.  Brethren and Ladies are welcome to be a part of the planning of this once in one-hundred years event.  If interested, please do not hesitate to contact either our General Secretary: Honorable Brother Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH at colsec@gascottishrite.org, or Brother Bayardo Reyes, 32° at bayardo.reyes.32@gmail.com.

College of Freemasonry

Short Talks   by Joseph Fort Newton

Between the years 1923 and 1927, Brother Joseph Fort Newton, at the request of the Masonic Service Association, wrote a series of talks designed to be read at Lodge meetings. They proved to be so popular that they were collected and published in book form in 1928 as Short Talks on Masonry. Throughout the coming year, the College of Freemasonry will re-publish many of these talks in email format because, while the material in the book was written many years ago, we find that it has enormous relevance in the world today. 

Current Blog Post

The Rough and Perfect Ashlars

The Symbols of Freemasonry - The Rough and Perfect Ashlars

by Author Unknown, attributed to Carl Claudy. Original Source

The Compasses interlaced with the square are the symbol of the Spirit of the Soul, its functional energy or Fire. Of itself the soul would be a mere inert passivity, a negative quantity unbalanced by a positive opposite. Its active properties are the product of the union of itself with its underlying and inspiring Divine basis, as modified by the good or evil tendencies of the soul itself. God "breathed into man the breath of life and man became—no longer a soul, which he was previously—but a living (energizing) soul." This product, or fiery energy, of the soul is the Spirit of man (a good or evil force accordingly as he shapes it) and is symbolized by what has always been known as the Fire Triangle (with apex upward and base downward), which symbol is approximately reproduced in the Compasses.

 “The Meaning of Masonry” by W.L. Wilmhurst

In our study of the Square we saw that it is nearly always linked with the Compasses, and these old emblems, joined with the Holy Bible, are the Great Lights of the Craft. If the Lodge is an “Oblong Square” and built upon the Square (as the earth was thought to be in olden time), over it arches the Sky, which is a circle. Thus Earth and Heaven are brought together in the Lodge - the earth where man goes forth to his labor, and the heaven to which he aspires. In other words, the light of Revelation and the Law of Nature are like the two points of the Compasses within which our life is set under a canopy of Sun and Stars.

No symbolism can be more simple, more profound, more universal, and it becomes more wonderful the longer one ponders it. Indeed, if Masonry is in any sense a religion, it is Universe Religion, in which all men can unite. Its principles are as wide as the world, as high as the sky. Nature and revelation blend in its teaching; its morality is rooted in the order of the world, and its roof is the blue vault above. The Lodge, as we are apt to forget, is always open to the sky, whence come those influences which exalt and ennoble the life of man. Symbolically, at least, it has no rafters but the arching heavens to which, as sparks ascending seek the sun, our life and labor tend. Of the heavenly side of Masonry the Compasses are the Symbol, and they are perhaps the most spiritual of our working tools.

As has been said, the Square and the Compasses are nearly always together, and that is true as far back as we can go. In the sixth book of the philosophy on Mencius, in China, we find these words: “A Master Mason, in teaching Apprentices, makes use of the Compass and the Square. Ye who are engaged in the pursuit of wisdom must also make use of the Compass and the Square. Note the order of the words: the Compass has first place, as it should have to a Master Mason. In the oldest classic of China, “The Book of History,” dating back two thousand years before our era, we find the Compasses employed without the Square: “Ye Officers of the Government, apply the Compasses.” Even in that far off time these symbols had the same meaning they have for us today, and they seem to have been interpreted in the same way.

While in the order of the Lodge the Square is first, in point of truth it is not the first in order. The Square rests upon the Compasses before the Compasses rest upon the Square. That is to say, just as a perfect square is a figure that can be drawn only within a circle or about a circle, so the earthly life of man moves and is built within the circle of Divine life and law and love which surrounds, sustains, and explains it. In the Ritual of the Lodge we see man, hoodwinked by the senses, slowly groping his way out of darkness, seeking the light of morality and reason. But he does so by the aid of inspiration from above, else he would live untroubled by a spark Some deep need, some dim desire brought him to the door of the Lodge, in quest of a better life and a clearer vision. Vague gleams, impulses, intimations reached him in the night of Nature, and he set forth and finding a friendly hand to help knocked at the door of the House of Light.

As an Apprentice a man is, symbolically, in a crude, natural state, his divine life covered and ruled by his earthly nature. As a Fellowcraft he has made one step toward liberty and light and the nobler elements in him are struggling to rise above and control his lower, lesser nature. In the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason - far more sublime than we yet realize - by human love, by the discipline of tragedy, and still more by the Divine help the divine in him has subjugated the earthly, and he stands forth strong, free, and fearless, ready to raise stone upon stone until naught is wanting. If we examine with care the relative positions of the Square and Compasses as he advanced through the Degrees, we learn a parable and a prophecy of what the Compasses mean in the life of a Mason.

Here too, we learn what the old philosopher of China meant when he urged Officers of the Government to “apply the Compasses,: since only men who have mastered themselves can really lead or rule others. Let us now study the Compasses apart from the Square, and try to discover what they have to teach us. There is no more practical lesson in Masonry and it behooves us to learn it and lay it to heart. As the Light of the Holy Bible reveals our relation and duty to God, and the Square instructs us in our duties to our Brother and neighbor, so the Compasses teach us the obligation which we owe ourselves. What that obligation is needs to be made plain; it is the primary, imperative, everyday duty of circumscribing his passions, and keeping his desires within due bounds. As Most Excellent King Solomon said long ago: “Better is he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.

In short, it is the old triad, without which character loses its symmetry, and life may easily end in chaos and confusion. It has been put in many ways, but never better than in the three great words; self-knowledge, self- reverence, self-control; and we cannot lose any one of the three and keep the other two. To know ourselves, our strength, our weakness, our limitations, is the first principle of wisdom, and a security against many a pitfall and blunder. Lacking such knowledge, or disregarding it, a man goes too far, loses control of himself, and by that very fact loses, in some measure, the self-respect which is the corner stone of a character. If he loses respect for himself, he does not long keep his respect for others, and goes down the road to destruction, like a star out of orbit, or a car into the ditch.

The old Greeks put the same truth into a trinity of maximums: “Know thyself; in nothing too much; think as a mortal” and it made them masters of the art of life and the life of art. Hence their wise Doctrine of the Limit, as a basic idea both of life and of thought, and their worship of the God of bounds, of which the Compasses are a symbol. It is the wonder of our human life that we belong to the limited and to the unlimited. Hemmed in, hedged about, restricted, we long for a liberty without rule or limit. Yet limitless liberty is anarchy and slavery. As in the great word of Burke, “It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that a man of intemperate passions cannot be free; his passions forge their fetters.” Liberty rests upon law. The wise man is he who takes full account of both, who knows how, at all points, to qualify the one by the other, as the

Compasses, if he uses them aright, will teach him how to do.

Much of our life is ruled for us whether we will or not.

The laws of nature throw about us their restraining bands, and there is no place where their wit does not run. The laws of the land make us aware that our liberty is limited by the equal rights and liberties of others. Our neighbors, too, if we fail to act toward him squarely may be trusted to look after his own rights. Custom, habit, and the pressure of public opinion are impalpable forces which we dare not altogether defy. These are so many roads from which our passions and appetites stray at-our-peril. But there are other regions of life where personality has free play, and they are the places where most of our joy and sorrow lie. It is in the realm of desire, emotion, motive, in the inner life where we are freest, and most alone, that we need a wise and faithful use of the Compasses.

How to use the Compasses is one of the finest of all arts, asking for the highest skill of a Master Mason. If he is properly instructed, he will rest one point in the innermost center of his being, and with the other draw a circle beyond which he will not go, until he is ready and able to go farther. Against the littleness of his knowledge he will set the depth of his desire to know, against the brevity of his earthly life the reach of his spiritual hope. Within a wise limit he will live and labor and grow, and when he reaches the outer rim of the circle he will draw another, and attain to a full-orbed life, balance, beautiful, and finely poised. No wise man dare forget the maxim “In nothing too much,” for there are situations where a word too much, a step too far, means disaster. If he has a quick tongue, a hot temper, a dark mood, he will apply the Compasses, shut his weakness within the circle of his strength, and control it.

Strangely enough, even a virtue, if unrestrained and left to itself, may actually become a vice. Praise, if pushed too far, becomes flattery. Love often ends in a soft sentimentalism, flabby and foolish. Faith, if carried to the extreme by the will to believe, ends in over-belief and superstition. It is the Compasses that help us to keep our balance, in obedience to the other Greek maxim: “Think as a mortal” - that is, remember the limits of human thought. An old mystic said that God is a circle whose center is everywhere, and its circumference nowhere. But such an idea is all a blur Our minds can neither grasp nor hold it. Even in our thought about God we must draw a circle enclosing so much of His Nature as we can grasp and realize, enlarging the circle as our experience and thought and vision expand. Many a man loses all truth in his impatient effort to reach final truth. It is the man who fancies that he has found the only truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and who seeks to impose his dogma upon others, who becomes the bigot, the fanatic, the persecutor.

Here, too, we must apply the Compasses, if we would have our faith fulfill itself in fellowship. Now we know in part - a small part, it may be, but it is real as far at it goes - though it be as one who sees in a glass darkly. The promise is that if we are worthy and well qualified, we shall see God face to face and know ever as we are known. But God is so great, so far beyond my mind and yours, that if we are to know him truly, we must know Him together, in fellowship and fraternity. And so the Poet-Mason was right when he wrote:

“He drew a circle that shut me out,

Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout;

But love and I had the wit to win,

We drew a circle that took him in."

Committee Reports


As we closed out 2022, our busiest year to date, with many of our fundraisers completed, VMAP will give us the ability to do a comparison with the previous year. This will help us determine where we started, what we started with and where Columbus Scottish Rite will flourish in the future. February 2023 the VMAP report will be complied, reviewed and submitted. This will continue to give us a full understanding of all of our hard work. 

Onward to 2023, VMAP program has been updated with much needed update. This update will be available 1 March 2023. So stay tuned to the next Ashlar Newsletter to read about all the new updates. 


Fireworks Fundraiser - Bro. Jonas Barlow, Fireworks Captain

For historical bacground, we began selling fireworks at the Victory Drive Super Walmart just prior to the 2023 New Year and sold for about 6 days. After expenses, we raised around $4,000 for the Valley.  Based on historical data, we anticipate successful future outcomes with our fireworks stand at this location. Typically a stand will earn at least twice as much, for the selling season leading up to the 4th of July, as it did for the New Year season. That means we expect a profit in the neighborhood of $8,000 to $10,000, for selling during the upcoming ten day period.

As an incentive, those who volunteered for the New Years stand were awarded Double Eagle Points for each hour they are at the Fireworks Stand. These points will also backdate for our Valley’s stand this past summer.

Save the dates: Reserve on your calendar now from June 23 to July 4th! You don’t want to miss being a part of this amazing and easy opportunity to raise money for the Valley and earn Double Eagle points for yourself!

Knowledge Management & Communications (KMC)

Facebook Member Page (engagement) analytics:

Facebook Public Page (engagement) analytics:

February Ashlar (engagement) analytics:

February email (engagement) analytics:

Homepage (engagement) analytics:

If you missed it the first time, please find below all our important communications for 2023.


Orient Wide  Reunion

For the Hotel (Note: we could only block 10 rooms, they will add more if needed and available. Reserve your room ASAP) Atlanta Marriott Northeast / Emory Area | 2000 Century Boulevard NE | Atlanta, GA 30345|P: 404.348.1134 | F: 404.325.4920

Here's your reservation link your guests can use to make reservations:

Book your group rate for Scottish Rite of Free Masonry June

Event Summary:


More Specific Details from the Captain of New Membership, Bro. Jonas Barlow

Scan the petition QR code above or click here to share or get started on your Scottish Rite journey.

Valley of Columbus 

Recruitment Incentive

300th Celebration Silver Coin

300th Anniversary Coin commemorating the first constituted Grand Lodge from 1717-2017. 1 oz .999 Fine Silver Masonic coin. [One side stamped with Square and Compass and Genesis 1-3. Other Side with Appendant Bodies of masonry and coin sequence Number]. Each are serial number stamped 1-150. Can ask for specific number and availability but requires coordination with Bayardo Reyes at colsm@gascottishrite.org

Vol. 2, No. 3 - Mar 2023